July 09,2018

Malacañang Palace Compound,
J.P. Laurel St. San Miguel Manila,

Mr. President,
A pleasant day to you Mr. President. Two years has passed since you were elected as the President of the Philippines. Being a father in a family is really hard and stressful.How come you manage to be a father of a one nation. It must be a burdensome to you but your leadership  really went well and you've fulfilled all things that you have promised under your administration. That's why now I'm writing not only as a Filipino citizen but also as your child.
I'm a teenager student and I'm already aware of what's happening in our country. At my age of 14 I have already witnessed things that are not yet right for me to see. Even though they think I'm already old enough for this things because I'm already a teenager. But how about the younger ones? Violence, crime and so on. They shouldn't live in a merciless world full of violence. And one of the most up to date is your "War on Drugs" campaign. As your child, I support you with this project. Because it also has good effects and advantages to us Filipinos and to our country especially in terms of tourism. But as a Filipino citizen, as a human being and as a God's creation, I do not agree with it. Because human rights is already violated. Crime and ruthless killings has already become a daily scene in our country because of that project. And as a President, you shouldn't tolerate that actions because it is not a good solution in any problem. And it is your responsibility to protect and fulfill everyone's right even the criminals. And as the President and as a Father, you should lead as to the path of true justice, mercy and peace.
That's all Mr. President. Thank you and God Bless you and our country under your leadership.

Sincerely Yours,
Heneshe Kate Magno,
Grade 10 Student


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